After driving 2,289 miles, I'm a little too exhausted to write anything or post pics but I am so relaxed and feeling much more ready to start my new job on Wednesday.
Pics coming up. :)
"My deepest fear is that I'll look back on my life and wonder what I did with it."
After driving 2,289 miles, I'm a little too exhausted to write anything or post pics but I am so relaxed and feeling much more ready to start my new job on Wednesday.
I'm sitting here at my desk trying to finish up all the paperwork and suddenly I am so overwhelmed with craving pangs! I am craving for ice cream - and no, not just any ice cream. I am craving for Mais Con Queso flavor! :( I really want one right now!
The Mercedes Benz SL600.
This is my dream car with all the added accessories for a whopping $159,930!!!!! Wooohoooo!
Ahhhhh. It's fun to dream. I actually saw one on the Bay Bridge the other day. Lucky him to be able to afford such car.
Someday. Maybe. Tomorrow... if I win the lottery. :)
I've been kinda busy lately - busy getting ready for my new job, planning an upcoming short road trip with my mom and making sure everything is taken cared of at my current job before I leave.
Here's my long overdue Congratulations to my cousin Jay-R. :) Congratulations in making it to the Philippine Military Academy! Good job in acing the entrance test and you did great going through all that freakin bureaucracy and red tape.
Congrats and hang in there! Promise I'll come home to attend your graduation. :)
I'm broke but I'm happy
Why do I get stuck behind every slow moving car and humongous truck when I am late for work? It happens almost all the time. I hit all the red lights about 5 blocks away from my work too!
Tuesday nights are usually spent with D. We went to Naan n Curry for dinner and had my favorite Indian drink Mango Lassi. We also had Chicken Tikka Masala, Biryani and Naan. We were so lucky to get street parking right across the restaurant too coz it's almost impossible to find parking around that area. But tonight, we were lucky enough.
Your Element Is Water |
![]() A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |
Here's a pathetic picture of my kite. My second kite actually. I wanted to post a picture of my first kite, "The Dragon" but I don't have it in my laptop and I'm too lazy to get up and go to my desktop. So here's a not-so-good picture of my second kite which I absolutely love. It was so fun flying it today. Winds were strong and it was hard to control it with one hand while I was trying to snap a picture.
But here it is. My precious kite... bought from a garage sale this morning. Sssssssh.
They unveiled the new XBOX 360 yesterday!
I was crying when D came over last night. I was so sad about him moving away. Don't get me wrong. I am so happy for him, happy that his dreams are getting fulfilled. But I can't help to be sad that he wouldn't be in close proximity anymore.
It's 1:12 a.m. and I can't sleep. I tried but I kept tossing and turning so I grabbed my laptop again.
Too tired to think of a title. LOL
I bought my first kite yesterday. And I got a chance to fly it today! I went to the Cesar Chavez Park by the Berkeley Marina - one of my favorite jogging spots. It's always windy down there and it had become a kite flyer's spot.
D and I saw CRASH last night. Damn, that movie was pretty good. It made me cry! I'm not the kind who would cry in movie theaters. And as far as I remember, the only movie I really cried about was "I Am Sam." The sleeve of my shirt was wet with tears after the movie. And I was still crying after, in the car and in the restaurant. LOL
Last night, D hung 3 framed Chinese art on the wall against my bed. And while he was hanging them I was thinking, what if there was an earthquake? I hope those frames aren't gonna fall on my head. And guess what happened? About 3:45 a.m. I woke up and my room was fucking shaking! It was an earthquake! I immediately stood up and grabbed my shorts but then the tremor stopped. Whew! I'm glad those frames didn't fall.
My car reached a 100,00 mile today! That's about 161,000 kilometers. That means I've paid for approximately 2500 gallons of gas.
Yep, 100,000 miles of commuting to work, aimless drives and roadtrips. From California to the border of New Mexico and Arizona, from the Bay Area to the San Diego-Mexico border all the way to Oregon. My little car was faithful... it never broke down on me except for a flat tire on Christmas Day while I was on my way to a Christmas Dinner at my best friend's house and another flat tire on my way to Lassen National Park a couple years ago.
Other than that, she's fine. I was bad too, bad at treating her good. I only took her once for a $280 tune-up and got her an oil change every 10,000 miles. But I've never had any problems with her.
She survived 2 minor accidents (fender benders), sand storms in Death Valley and snow storms in Tahoe. I love my car.
I know she's just a Corolla (hey it's an LE hehehe) but she's been my constant companion on my journeys. She was my comforter when I was down and lonely - we went for aimless drives to cheer my heart up. She was always there.
I love my 'ol reliable Toyota Corolla. 'Til death do us part. Or I should say...
'Til Prius do us part....
Today, my boss noticed that my desk seem to be missing something and he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He might have been a little freaked out because the big screen TV and a Playstation Game Console was stolen last week.
Today at 5:05:05 am & pm the time will be 05:05:05 05/05/05....
I just got off the phone with US Prepaid Telecom who owns demanding my money back. I purchased a phone card online 30 minutes ago and the access number that came with it doesn't work. So I called the phonecard distributor's number and the guy asked for my pin number so he could give me another access number. To make this rant short, the access number he gave doesn't work neither! So I called 'em back again and asked for another access number. This time, the person handling my call wanted my pin number and the number I was trying to call. That's when I started getting pissed.
I picked up the book 'The Celestine Prophecy" for 25 cents last Sunday at a garage sale. I was actually planning to pick it up at the City Library and it was already on queue but funny enough, it was the first thing that caught my eye when I went to the school garage sale.
Last night I told D that I wouldn't be writing about him in my blog anymore. Coz what if his ex stumbles upon my blog! But when he woke me up this morning, smiling at the sound of his voice I had second thoughts. And I decided, hmmm, I shouldn't stop writing about him, about us. This is my blog and I can write whatever I want, right? Of course I would respect the fact that some stuff are better kept in private. But a love as grand as ours is worthy of every space in this blog.
So you probably believe me now. I really am a big sucker for wildflowers. I had to stop for these ones too and gathered a bouquet that sat in my car's cupholder all the way to my hall table here at home.
I just wish their beauty would last forever. But no, they don't. They're here for a while and you gotta go see them at the perfect time. If you go a little early or a little late, you won't be able to find them in their splendor.
My mom and I were lucky enough to see them at the peak of their beauty. And I got to take some home with me. :) They were irresistible!
Aaaaah, I can't get enough of these suckers!!!!!
I wanted to take 'em home with me! Spring is indeed the best time to visit Yosemite. The Merced River was raging, the waterfalls cascading and wildflowers proudly displaying their beauty by the road and on the mountainside.
I just had to pull over to snap pictures of these wildflowers along the Highway. There's tons of them and if it weren't for my mom, I would have sit there a little longer to admire their beauty. I would have let my heart linger a little more... because they fill it up with gladness.
Yes, I'm a big sucker for wildflowers.
Okay, so here's a food/restaurant rant from Saturday's dinner with my mom.
Okay. I know, that's kind of a lame title. But I'm running out of 'em. So since today was a rather good Sunday I decided to call this entry - Not Just Another Sunday.