I Got It!!!!!
I got the apartment! Woooohoooo! I am so stoked! I won't have to deal with my cranky neighbors anymore! I will be moving in on the 15th of March which is gonna be a Tuesday. I think D will be in Tennessee that week but it's okay coz I planned to hire movers anyway. I have some heavy stuff like my couch, the loveseat, my computer desk and my TV so I thought it would be better to just hire a mover.
I am so excited and yet I am also nervous. I feel like I am on the verge of having second thoughts about moving out of this wonderful apartment in Montclair. But when I think of my neighbor downstairs, it makes me wanna move ASAP.
So now that I got the new apartment, I wrote my landlord a nice and sweet termination of lease letter. I hate saying goodbye especially because she's been a wonderful landlord but hey, people move on and life goes on. I left it in her mailbox and hopefully she'll get it by tomorrow.
I also wrote a nice and sweet response to my neighbor's note he stuck on my front door. This is what my note said:
"Dear Neighbor:
Here is my suggestion. Maybe you should move your bed to the front room. Or better yet, use ear plugs! Obviously, you are not cut out for apartment living!
Your Neighbor,
I also put my note (written in red pen) in his mailbox. And hopefully he will get it tonight. Maybe it will make him sleep better. Hahaha.